As a group we've definately had trouble communicating and their has been a lack of clarity about peoples tasks: As a result their has been issues about the design and function of the chamber. This is partly due to members of the group not having web access at home (which in my case was entirely the fault of BT, those useless bastards, who took 3 months to come and install a phone line to our house...).
I think that I should have nailed the concept art a lot quicker, which would of been possible if I hadn't been distracted by trying to write a comic and sorting out my recently flooded bedroom. I should have prioritised the concept work because other peole where waiting for designs. I should also have done some kind of production artwork much earlier on, so that the whole group could give feedback and agree on a visual style, followed by a finalised artwork.
I made a 'blueprint' model of the chamber, as opposed to drawing it out on paper, because it was easier to move things around and i could see exactly how it would work without having to try and visualise everything. The idea was to use the model to work out camera angles and produce an animatic so that we knew which areas to detail, then i would give the file to Ajdin so that he could add detailed geometry.
There seems to have been a lack of communiction at this point, because straight away Ajdin modelled an alternative version of the chamber which worked well in all aspects except for the actual scale of the mechanical objects. Changing the scale and the layout meant going back to square one with the animation, as opposed to just dropping in final meshes over the basic model which would have been more useful.
Ajdin's model looks really good but I think that he went a little off-target, which is not his fault because of the reasons detailed above. As a solution we have decided to use the geometry he has modelled and fit it around the original blueprint, and Ajdin is also happy to take care of all the lighting and rendering, which he is pretty damn good at!